Old News

🏆 Our paper on A Comparison of the Readability of Graphs Using Node-Link and Matrix-Based Representations will receive a test of time award (20 years) at VIS 2024!


🏆 Our paper on Efficient Structure-Aware Selection Techniques for 3D Point Cloud Visualizations with 2DOF Input will receive a test of time award (12 years) at VIS 2024!


Anne-Flore Cabouat joins us for her PhD exploring readability in data visualization.


Tobias Rau starts his 3-month visit with Tobias Isenberg, welcome!


🎓 Tingying He successfully defends her PhD on Encoding with patterns.


Florent Cabric joins Aviz as associate professor.


Sungbok Shin starts his post-doc with Jean-Daniel, welcome!


🏆 Our paper on PREVis: Perceived Readability Evaluation for Visualizations got an honorable mention at VIS 2024!


🏆 Our paper on Talk to the Wall: The Role of Speech Interaction in Collaborative Visual Analytics got an honorable mention at VIS 2024!


Eliane Zambon-Victorelli starts her 6-month visit with Petra, welcome!


🏆 Our paper on Glanceable Data Visualizations for Older Adults: Establishing Thresholds and Examining Disparities Between Age Groups got an honorable mention at CHI 2024!
Ambre Assor starts her post-doc with Jean-Daniel on the URGE project, welcome!


Aviz has a new poster; thanks to Anne-Flore Cabouat for the layout!


🏆 Lijie Yao wins the Prix thèse de 2023 de l'AFIHM (2023 Ph.D. thesis prize from AFIHM), congrats!


Zihan Lu starts her internship with Tingying He and Tobias Isenberg, welcome!


Emanuele Santos starts her one-year visit with Jean-Daniel, welcome!


Lu Ying starts her 7 months visit with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


🎓 Lijie Yao successfully defends her PhD on Situated Visualization in Motion.


Our paper on “Designing for Visualization in Motion: Embedding Visualizations in Swimming Videos” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work at IEEE VIS 2024.


Yucheng Lu 陆禹承 starts his PhD with Aviz, exploring Hybrid AR-Desktop Scientific Exploration Environments.


Junxiu Tang starts his 6-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


🏆 Petra Isenberg is inducted into the IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy.


Aviz researchers make several contributions to IEEE VIS 2023: 3 papers, 3 workshop papers. 👍


Petra Isenberg, Florent Cabric, and Mickael Sereno organize Pre-VIS Day 2023 at our Lab, where researchers present their IEEE VIS 2023 (or associated event & TVCG) papers and discuss them in a smaller circle.


Our work titled "Open Questions about the Visualization of Sociodemographic Data" is accepted to the VIS4Good workshop, and "Data Embroidery with Black-and-White Textures" is accepted to the alt.VIS workshop at IEEE VIS 2023.


Our papers on "Eleven Years of Gender Data Visualization: Towards more Inclusive Gender Representation", "Design Characterization for Black-and-White Textures in Visualization", and "MeTACAST: Target- and Context-aware Spatial Selection in VR" are accepted to IEEE VIS 2023.


Florent Cabric co-organizes Journée Visu 2023, held at l'Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay.


Lisa Taldir starts her 2-month internship with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


Gabriela Molina León starts her 3-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


Tingying He presents our paper on Studies of Part-to-Whole Glanceable Visualizations on Smartwatch Faces at PacificVis 2023.


Karelia Vilca Salinas starts her 10 months internship with Jean-Daniel Fekete, welcome!


🎓 Alaul Islam successfully defends his PhD on Visualizations for Smartwatches and Fitness Trackers.


Anne-Flore Cabouat starts her intern with Tobias Isenberg, Petra Isenberg, and Tingying He, welcome!


🎓 Jiayi Hong successfully defends her PhD on Machine Learning Supported Interactive Visualization of Hybrid 3D and 2D Data for the Example of Plant Cell Lineage Specification.


We welcome Hendrik Strobelt (IBM Cambridge) and Johannes Knittel (University of Stuttgart) for a research visit at Aviz. Hendrik will give a lecture on ML+Vis at the Visual Analytics class at Centrale Supelec (8:45-10:15, room amphi e068, Bouyges building) and Johannes will hold a ParisSigCHI presentation at 14:30 at the amphitheatre of building 660.


Fairouz Grioui starts her 3-month visit with Petra Isenberg, welcome!


🎓 Alexis Pister successfully defends his PhD on Visual Analytics for Historical Social Networks: Traceability, Exploration, and Analysis.


Aviz researchers make several contributions to IEEE VIS 2022: 3 papers, 2 TVCG papers, 1 CG&A paper, 1 symposium keynote, 4 workshop papers, 1 panel, and 2 posters. 👍


Katerina Batziakoudi joins us for her PhD, with the company Berger-Levrault, on the visualization of budgets. Welcome!


Florent Cabric joins us for his PostDoc on the EquityAnalytics project. Welcome!


Our papers on “Studying Early Decision Making with Progressive Bar Charts”, "Understanding Barriers to Network Exploration with Visualization: A Report from the Trenches", and "BeauVis: A Validated Scale for Measuring the Aesthetic Pleasure of Visual Representations" are accepted to IEEE VIS 2022. We will present these work at IEEE VIS 2022.

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Nivan Ferreira starts his 4-month visit with Jean-Daniel, welcome!

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We are recruiting a 2-year PostDoc for an exciting topic: Equity Analytics : Addressing gender pay equity with visual analytics https://recrutement.inria.fr/public/classic/en/offres/2022-04887. Contact Petra Isenberg if you are interested.


Our journal articleUnderstanding Differences between Combinations of 2D and 3D Input and Output Devices for 3D Data Visualization” is published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.


Our paper on “Visualization in Motion: A Research Agenda and Two Evaluations” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work at IEEE VIS 2022.


At EuroVis 2022, we present two papers: “LineageD: An Interactive Visual System for Plant Cell Lineage Assignments based on Correctable Machine Learning” and “Hybrid Touch/Tangible Spatial Selection in Augmented Reality”. Both are also published as journal articles in the Computer Graphics Forum. We also present a paper on “Personal Experiences of Providing and Using Research Prototypes” at the VisGap workshop.


Alaul Islam presents our paper on Preferences and effectiveness of sleep data visualizations for smartwatches and fitness bands at ACM CHI 2022.


🎓 Natkamon Tovanich successfully defends his PhD on Visual Analytics for Monitoring and Exploration of Blockchain Data.


We co-authored several book chapters of the CRC Press book on “Mobile Data Visualization”, co-edited by Petra Isenberg.


Our paper on “Do You Believe Your (Social Media) Data? A Personal Story on Location Data Biases, Errors, and Plausibility as well as their Visualization” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work at IEEE VIS 2022.


🎓 Mickael Sereno successfully defends his PhD on Collaborative Data Exploration and Discussion Supported by Augmented Reality.


Our paper on “Point Specification in Collaborative Visualization for 3D Scalar Fields Using Augmented Reality” is accepted to Springer's Virtual Reality journal.


🎓 Petra Isenberg successfully defends her HDR (habilitation).


Our paper on “Molecumentary: Adaptable Narrated Documentaries Using Molecular Visualization” is accepted to the journal IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. We will present this work next year at IEEE VIS 2022.


At the virtual IEEE VIS 2021, we present three TVCG journal papers, one on VIS30K: A Collection of Figures and Tables from IEEE Visualization Conference Publications, one on Multiscale Unfolding: Illustratively Visualizing the Whole Genome at a Glance, and one on Showing Data about People: A Design Space of Anthropographics. We also contribute another 4 papers submitted to VIS, among them one best paper award 🏆 for Perception! Immersion! Empowerment! Superpowers as Inspiration for Visualization


Tingying He 何汀滢 starts as a new PhD student with Aviz, exploring a design space for visual data mapping for low-color displays.


We present our paper on “Document Domain Randomization for Deep Learning Document Layout Extraction” at ICDAR 2021.


We present our journal article on The State of the Art of Spatial Interfaces for 3D Visualization at EuroVis 2021.


We present our paper on Design and Evaluation of Three Selection Techniques for Tightly Packed 3D Objects in Cell Lineage Specification in Botany at Graphics Interface 2021.


We present our paper on Can Anthropographics Promote Prosociality? at CHI 2021.


🏆 Our ICBC 2021 paper on An empirical analysis of pool hopping behavior in the Bitcoin blockchain won the best-paper runner up award. Congrats to Natkamon Tovanich and his co-authors!


We present our paper on Curve Complexity Heuristic KD-trees for Neighborhood-based Exploration of 3D Curves at Eurographics 2021.


We present our survey on Collaborative Work in Augmented Reality (journal paper in TVCG) at IEEE VR 2021.


🎓 Xiyao Wang 王曦耀 successfully defends his PhD thesis "Augmented Reality Environments for the Interactive Exploration of 3D Data".


🎓 Sarkis Halladjian successfully defends his PhD thesis "Spatially Integrated Abstraction of Genetic Molecules".


🏆🏆 Two Aviz posters win best poster design awards at IEEE VIS 2020: SciVis: Subjective Views in Co-Located Augmented Reality–Initial Design by Mickael Sereno and Tobias Isenberg and InfoVIS: Black and White Textures for Visualization on E-ink Displays by Yuanyang Zhong, Tobias Isenberg, and Petra Isenberg


🏆🏆 Jean-Daniel Fekete receives the IEEE VGTC Technical Achievement Award. Catherine Plaisant receives the IEEE VGTC Visualization Career Award. They both become member of the IEEE VGTC Visualization Academy.


AVIZ researchers make several contributions to IEEE VIS 2020: 2 papers, 3 TVCG papers, 1 short paper, 5 posters, and an award winning VAST contest entry. 👍


🏆 Liwenhan Xie, James O'donnell, Benjamin Bach, Jean-Daniel Fekete received a best paper honorable mention award for their AVI'20 paper Interactive Time-Series of Measures for Exploring Dynamic Networks.


Lijie Yao 姚李捷 continues her research on Situated Visualization in Motion as a PhD student with Aviz.


Lijie Yao 姚李捷 joins Aviz for her Master's thesis research project on Situated Visualization in Motion.


AVIZ is hiring PhD students and Master interns to work on situated visualizations for personal analytics.


Jiayi Hong 洪佳怡 joins Aviz for 3 years as a PhD student.


AVIZ members present two papers at IEEE VIS 2019: ScaleTrotter: Illustrative Visual Travels Across Negative Scales and A Comparative Evaluation of Animation and Small Multiples For Trend Visualization on Mobile Phones.


🏆🏆 AVIZ members receive two awards at EuroVis 2019: Natkamon Tovanich and his co-authors won a best poster honorable mention. Tobias Isenberg was awarded an Computers and Graphics Award of Excellence for distinguished services as an Associate Editor (2019).


AVIZ members present two papers at EuroVis 2019: Augmenting Tactile 3D Data Navigation With Pressure Sensing and Hybrid Touch/Tangible Spatial 3D Data Selection.


🏆 Pierre Dragicevic, Yvonne Jansen, Abhraneel Sarma, Matthew Kay and Fanny Chevalier received a best paper award for their CHI'19 paper Increasing the Transparency of Research Papers with Explorable Multiverse Analyses.


With great sadness, we have been informed of the passing of Luana Micallef. Read more...


Yuheng FENG joins Aviz for his Master thesis research project on Visual Sensitivity Analysis for Ensembles of Curves.


Kejin Jin joins Aviz for her Master's thesis research project on Interactive Visualization of Cell Embryo Development.


Ranjini Aravind joins Aviz for her Master thesis research project on Fitness Tracker visualization/


Luana Micallef passed away


Natkamon Tovanich joins Aviz as a PhD student working on a joined project with IRT SystemX on Blockchain Visual Analytics.


AVIZ members present seven papers at IEEE VIS 2018: Glanceable Visualization: Studies of Data Comparison Performance on Smartwatches, Visualizing Ranges over Time on Mobile Phones: A Task-Based Crowdsourced Evaluation, Mitigating the Attraction Effect with Visualizations, A Declarative Rendering Model for Multiclass Density Maps, Dynamic Composite Data Physicalization Using Wheeled Micro-Robots, Using Dynamic Hypergraphs to Reveal the Evolution of the Business Network of a 17th Century French Woman Merchant, and A Model of Spatial Directness in Interaction for Visualization.


Qing Chen is joining Aviz as a post-doc.


Catherine Plaisant joins Aviz as an Inria International Chair.


Steve Haroz joisns Aviz as a Research Scientist.


Claudio Silva, Professor at NYU, joins Aviz as Invited Professor during his Sabbatical.


Juliana Freire, Professor at NYU, joins Aviz as Invited Professor during her Sabbatical.


We present a paper at Expressive 2018: Reducing Affective Responses to Surgical Images through Color Manipulation and Stylization


🏆 Tanja Blascheck has received the EuroVis 2018 Best PhD Award at EuroVis 2018.


AVIZ members present three papers at EuroVis 2018: DimSUM: Dimension and Scale Unifying Maps for Visual Abstraction of DNA Origami Structures, Pondering the Concept of Abstraction in (Illustrative) Visualization, and Multiscale Visualization and Exploration of Large Bipartite Graphs.


🏆 Our former PhD student Lonni Besançon receives a PhD thesis prize honorable mention award from GDR, AFIG, AFRV, and EGFR for his thesis “An interaction Continuum for 3D Data Visualization”. Congratulations!


Paola Valdivia joins Aviz for 24 months as a post-doc.


Alejandro Ribes and Pierre Dragicevic organize the Journée Visu 2018, held near Paris on 25 May 2018.


Aviz and the ilab at the University of Calgary join to form an Associated Team on the topic of Situated Visualization Environments http://aviz.fr/seven.


🎓 Lonni Besançon successfully defends his PhD thesis "An Interaction Continuum for 3D Dataset Visualization".


🎓 Evanthia Dimara successfully defends her PhD thesis "Information Visualization for Decision Making".


Tanja Blascheck is joining Aviz for 16 monthes as a post-doc.


Xiyao Wang 王曦耀 joins Aviz for 3 years as a PhD student.


🏆 AVIZ members present seven papers at IEEE VIS 2017: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Evaluating Multidimensional Visualizations for Decision Support, Blinded with Science or Informed by Charts? A Replication Study, Multiscale Visualization and Scale-Adaptive Modification of DNA Nanostructures, vispubdata.org: A Metadata Collection about IEEE Visualization (VIS) Publications, Supporting Handoff in Asynchronous Collaborative Sensemaking Using Knowledge-Transfer Graphs, An Exploratory Study of Word-Scale Graphics in Data-Rich Text Documents, and A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies on Data Glyphs, including one that received a Best Paper Honorable Mention Award.


Sarkis Halladjian joins Aviz for 3 years as a PhD student.


We present a paper at Expressive 2017: Neural Style Transfer: A Paradigm Shift for Image-based Artistic Rendering?


🏆 Lonni Besançon and Tobias Isenberg receive a Best Paper Honorable Mention award at ACM CHI 2017 for their paper Pressure-Based Gain Factor Control for Mobile 3D Interaction using Locally-Coupled Devices.


AVIZ members present three papers at ACM CHI 2017: Mouse, Tactile, and Tangible Input for 3D Manipulation, Pressure-Based Gain Factor Control for Mobile 3D Interaction using Locally-Coupled Devices, and Narratives in Crowdsourced Evaluation of Visualizations: A Double-Edged Sword?


🏆 Evanthia Dimara, Anastasia Bezerianos, and Pierre Dragicevic receive the Best Paper Honorable mention at IEEE InfoVis conference for their article "The Attraction Effect in Information Visualization".


Petra Isenberg, Tobias Isenberg, Michael Sedlmair, Heidi Lam, and Narges Mayhar organize the Beliv workshop on Oct. 24th 2016 at IEEE VIS. Come out and discuss novel evaluation methodologies for visualization with us.


Oct. 24th 2016: Romain Vuillemot, Jeremy Boy, Aurélien Tabard, Charles Perin, and Jean-Daniel Fekte organize a workshop on Logging Interactions and Logs Visualization during IEEE Vis 2016 in Baltimore.


Mathieu Le Goc, Lawrence Kim, Ali Parsaei, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Pierre Dragicevic, and Sean Follmer win the UIST 2016 Best Paper award for their article "Zooids: Building Blocks for Swarm User Interfaces".


🏆 Karthik Badam, Christoph Kinkeldey and Petra Isenberg won a 2016 VAST challenge honorable mention award for "best analysis strategy" working on the mini challenge 2 problem.


Sriram Karthik Badam is joining Aviz for 4 months during his PhD at University of Maryland with Niklas Elmqvist.


Yanhong Wu is joining Aviz for 6 months during his PhD at HKUST with Huamin Qu to work on (Very) Large Network Visualization.


Christoph Kinkeldey is joining Aviz for 1 year as a post-doc.


Three of our animated transition techniques are available as online demos: Histoimages, Diffamation, and Gliimpse. Thanks to Fanny Chevalier from the Mjonlinr INRIA group. See the INRIA announcement or go directly the site for demos and details.


We have several internship topics as well as an engineer/PostDoc position available. Check out the jobs page for more details.


Tobias Isenberg and Petra Isenberg co-organize Dexis 2015, a workshop on visualization on interactive surfaces at the ITS 2015 conference.


🏆🏆🏆 The dissertations of Samuel Huron and Jeremy Boy receive the IEEE VGTC VPG doctoral dissertation award 2015 with a First Prize for Samuel and an Honorable Mention for Jeremy. Jean-Daniel Fekete, Petra Isenberg, and Tobias Isenberg received an IEEE TVCG service award for organizing VIS'14 in Paris (Jean-Daniel) and co-chairing BELIV at VIS'14 (Petra and Tobias).


Aviz presents 7 papers, three posters, and a tutorial at the IEEE VIS 2015 conference.


Alice Thudt is currently visiting Aviz from the University of Calgary.


Jean-Daniel Fekete, Petra Isenberg and Tobias Isenberg teach at the 2015 CANVAS summer school.


Paul Lapides and Teresa Onorati are currently visiting Aviz from the University of Calgary and the University of Madrid respectively.


Tobias Isenberg presents a keynote on “Illustrative Molecular Visualizations” at the conference of the “Groupe Thématique Enzymes” of the Société Française de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire and the “Groupe Graphisme & Modélisation Moléculaire”.


🎓 Jeremy Boy successfully defendeds his PhD thesis "Engaging the People to Look Beyond the Surface of Online Information Visualizations of Open Data".


🏆 Wesley Willett, Bernhard Jenny, Tobias Isenberg, and Pierre Dragicevic receive a Best Paper Award for their CHI 2015 paper “Lightweight Relief Shearing for Enhanced Terrain Perception on Interactive Maps”.


🏆 Yvonne Jansen's PhD are awarded the 2nd prize of the Gilles Kahn Thesis Award, the most prestigious prize for a computer science PhD defended in France.


🎓 Charles Perin successfully defends his PhD thesis "Direct Manipulation for Information Visualization".


🏆 Charles Perin, Jeremy Boy and Frédéric Vernier receive an honorable Mention (2nd prize) for "Le Tour de France at a Glance" visualiation in the IEEE VGTC/VPG International Data Visualization Contest.


🏆 Benjamin Bach received an Honorable Mention (2nd prize) for his PhD "Connections, Changes, and Cubes: Unfolding Dynamic Networks for Visual Exploration" in the IEEE VGTC/VPG Doctoral Dissertation Competition.


Jean-Daniel Fekete was General Chair of the IEEE VIS 2014 conference, organized for the first time ever outside of the USA, in Paris.


Aviz presents 7 articles at the IEEE VIS 2014 conference, and co-organizes 3 workshops: Beliv, Death of the Desktop, Towards An Open Visualization Literacy Testing Platform.


Samuel Huron successfully defended his PhD thesis "Constructive Visualization: A token-based paradigm allowing to assemble dynamic visual representation for non-experts".


Jean-Daniel Fekete delivers the keynote address at Graph Drawing 2014, on Matrix-Based Visualization of Graphs.


Nicolas Heulot successfully defended his PhD thesis "Etude des projections de données comme support interactif de l’analyse visuelle de la structure de données de grande dimension".


Petra Isenberg deliveres the capstone address at EuroVA 2014, on novel display technology for visualization.


Benjamin Bach successfully defendes his PhD thesis "Connections, Changes, and Cubes: Unfolding Dynamic Networks for Visual Exploration".


Official opening of the Digiteo (Fab)lab.


Yvonne Jansen successfully defends her PhD thesis "Physical and Tangible Information Visualization".


Special Dec. 2013 issue of "La Recherche" has a central page on Visual Sedimentation.


Mathieu Le Goc joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Fab lab manager for hire (in French).


Aviz researchers contribute 7 papers, two posters, one art show piece, one workshop paper, and one VAST challenge entry to IEEE VIS 2013 (see details in the publications section).


PhD student Charles Perin and his co-authors receive a best paper honorable mention at IEEE InfoVis.


PhD student Benjamin Bach and his co-authors receive the best poster award at IEEE InfoVis.


PhD student Samuel Huron and his co-authors receive a paper award at INTERACT.
Petra Isenberg was interviewed by Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner for their Data Stories Podcast about her work on Visualization Beyond the Desktop.


Medley, a web-based app for visualizing Evernote notebooks, is in beta. Try it out!


Workshop on The New Statistics: Estimation for Better Research.


Aviz organizes a visit with demos for CHI attendees on the Friday right after the conference.


Aviz co-organizes the International Workshop on Interactive Ultra-High-Resolution Displays as a CHI 2013 Workshop hosted at our Lab using itsWall-Sized Display.


Aviz researchers contribute four papers to CHI 2013, including one best paper and one best paper honorable mention (see details in the publications section).


31 January 2013 is the deadline for sending your article in French to the Special Issue of TSI on Information Visualization (Technique et Science Informatiques).


Yvonne Jansen and Pierre Dragicevic are interviewed by Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner on Data Stories about Data Sculptures (a.k.a. Tangible Visualizations).


18 January 2013 is the deadline for sending your article to the International Workshop on Interactive Ultra-High-Resolution Displays that will by hosted by CHI 2013.


Wesley Willett joins Aviz as a Postdoctoral Fellow on the FITOC project.


Tobias Isenberg joins Aviz as a Senior Research Scientist.


Aviz receives 4 distinction prizes at VisWeek 2012, among the 6 articles and 6 posters accepted: Best poster for Towards Visual Sedimentation, Honorable Mention for poster Progressive Horizon Graphs: Improving Small Multiples Visualization of Time Series, Honorable Mention for the 2 articles Assessing the Effect of Visualizations on Bayesian Reasoning Through Crowdsourcing and Efficient Structure-Aware Selection Techniques for 3D Point Cloud Visualizations with 2DOF Input.


Petra and Tobias Isenberg (Aviz) co-organize Beliv 2012, a VisWeek 2012 workshop on novel evaluation methods for visualization.


Aviz has a new poster made by Jeremy Boy.


Who is Interaction Design?: Aviz co-organizes and participates in the event WiID that will be held on June 22 2012 at the Centre Pompidou (Beaubourg Museum).


Basak Alper joins Aviz as an Intern.


Heidi Lam joins Aviz as a Visiting Scientist from Google.


Andre Spritzer joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Raphaël Velt, Romain Vuillemot, Samuel Huron and Yves-Marie Haussonne launch their Bubble-t visualization, selected among the 6 finalists of the Google Dataviz 2012 Contest.


Jean-Daniel Fekete receives a Google Research Award for a project called "Data Visualization for the People" to be done with Jeremy Boy and Aviz.


Jeremy Boy joins Aviz as a PhD Student.


Aviz presents 3 papers at VisWeek 2011: A Study on Dual-Scale Data Charts, Obvious: A Meta-Toolkit to Encapsulate Information Visualization Toolkits - One Toolkit to Bind Them All, and Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration


Aviz presents a "Quiz on Perception" at Fête de la Science 2011?.


Charles Perin joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Romain Vuillemot joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Demo day at Aviz.


Franck Vidal joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Samuel Huron joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Benjamin Bach joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Yvonne Jansen joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Jean-Daniel Fekete is interviewed about Jacques Bertin by Enrico Bertini during the Dagstuhl Seminar on Scalable Visual Analytics.


The GeneaQuilts program for visualizing large genealogies is available for download.


Petra Isenberg and her co-authors receive an honorable mention at IEEE VAST 2010 for their paper on An Exploratory Study of Visual Analytics Around a Tabletop Display.


Petra Isenberg is hired at INRIA / Aviz as a Research Scientist.


Fanny Chevalier presents Diffamation at the plenary session of the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Brussels, Belgium.


Petra Isenberg receives the Best Paper Award at the CHI 2010 Workshop BELIV'2010 for her paper Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations in Atlanta, GA, USA.


Petra Isenberg joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Xiujun Li joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.


Pierre-Luc Hémery joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.


Caroline Appert, Stéphane Huot, Pierre Dragicevic and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon receive the best paper award at the IHM '09 conference for their paper on the FlowStates toolkit.


Jean-Daniel Fekete demonstrates the ScatterDice system to the CEO of Microsoft Steve Ballmer and the French Minister of Research Valérie Pécresse (video).


Nadia Boukhelifa joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Evelyne Lutton joins Aviz as a Research Scientist.


Jiacheng Li joins Aviz as an intern.


Hélène Milome joins Aviz as an assistant.


Jean-Daniel Fekete interviewed in the February issue of IEEE Computer: Users Take a Close Look at Visual Analytics (free link here.)


Fadia Azaiez joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Fanny Chevalier interviewed by France Info (listen) on new graph navigation techniques (in French).


Nathalie Henry interviewed in the magazine Les sciences du numérique (in French).


Fanny Chevalier, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete participated to the Science Fair at LRI, featuring the edition of the Social Network of Harry Potter.


Niklas Elmqvist, Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Best Paper award at the InfoVis 2008 Conference for their paper Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation.


Julie Stromer joins Aviz as a Research Engineer.


Wael Khemiri joins Aviz as a PhD student.


Tomer Moscovich joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Nathalie Henry successfully defended her PhD thesis « Exploring Large Social Networks with Matrix-Based Representations ».


Nathalie Henry accepted a Researcher position at the VIBE team of Microsoft Research in Redmond, USA.


Niklas Elmqvist accepted an Assistant Professor position at the School of ECE at Purdue University in West Lafayette, USA.


Pierre Dragicevic interviewed by the Radio Suisse Romande about DimP (listen in French).


Anastasia Bezerianos and Petra Isenberg are visiting Aviz for one month.


Fanny Chevalier joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Aviz members to present 3 full papers at CHI 2008.


Stéphane Descorps-Declère joins Aviz as a Post-Doc.


Launching of WikipediaViz, a complete archive version of the French Wikipedia with visualizations for estimating article maturity (in French).


Jean-Daniel Fekete interviewed by France Culture (listen) and Libération on Wikipedia reliability issues and the WikipediaViz project (articles in French).


Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete received the Brian Shackel Award at the INTERACT 2007 Conference for their paper MatLink: Enhanced Matrix Visualization for Analyzing Social Networks.


Pierre Dragicevic joins Aviz as a Research Scientist.


Jean-Daniel Fekete creates Aviz.
