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   - Le caractère ~ a un sens particulier pour TeX. Toutefois, vous
     pouvez l'utiliser normalement dans les champs *url* et *xtraurls*
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   - Les noms des différents auteurs DOIVENT être séparés par " and
     ". Le prénom doit figurer avant le nom et les deux NE DOIVENT PAS
     être abrégés (e.g. Jean-Daniel Fekete). Les différentes parties
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   - Pour un exemple de référence bien formée, voir Metisse-UIST05

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Les questions peuvent être envoyées à Nicolas (Roussel)

Valeurs pour le champ type_publi :

   "irevcomlec"   International Refereed Journals (Revues internationales avec comité de lecture)
   "revcomlec"    National Refereed Journals (Revues nationales avec comité de lecture)
   "revue"        Other Journals (Autres revues)

   "ouvrage"      Books (Livres)
   "editeur"      Edited Books (Directions d'ouvrages)
   "chapitre"     Book Chapters (Chapitres d'ouvrages)

   "icolcomlec"   International Refereed Conferences (Conférences internationales de large diffusion avec comité de lecture sur texte complet)
   "colcomlec"    National Refereed Conferences (Conférences nationales avec comité de lecture sur texte complet)
   "colloque"     Other Conferences and Symposiums (Autres conférences et colloques avec actes)

   "diffusion"    Dissemination and Popularization (Diffusion de la connaissance, vulgarisation scientifique)
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   "rapport"      Internal Reports (Rapports internes non publiés par ailleurs, rapports de fin de contrat)

   "autre"        Other publications (Autres publications)

Remarques (obsolètes) concernant le rapport quadriennal 2000-2004

  - les rapports internes n'apparaissent que s'ils n'ont pas ete publies par ailleurs

  - regarder les entrees qui sont marquees FIXME, elles ont un probleme...

  - il manque les rapports de DEA des stagiaires (mais les rapports de DEA
    n'apparaissent pas dans le rapport d'activité de toute facon...)

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Lutton % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ARTICLE{Trujillo2011,

  author = {Trujillo, Leonardo and Olague, Gustavo and Lutton, \'Evelyne and Fernández de Vega, Francisco and Dozal, León and Clemente, Eddie},
  title = {Speciation in Behavioral Space for Evolutionary Robotics},
  journal = {Journal of Intelligent \& Robotic Systems},
  publisher = {Springer Netherlands},
  issn = {0921-0296},
  keyword = {Engineering},
  pages = {1-29},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10846-011-9542-z},
  abstract = {In Evolutionary Robotics, population-based evolutionary computation is used to design robot neurocontrollers that produce behaviors which allow the robot to fulfill a user-defined task. However, the standard approach is to use canonical evolutionary algorithms, where the search tends to make the evolving population converge towards a single behavioral solution, even if the high-level task could be accomplished by structurally different behaviors. In this work, we present an approach that preserves behavioral diversity within the population in order to produce a diverse set of structurally different behaviors that the robot can use. In order to achieve this, we employ the concept of speciation, where the population is dynamically subdivided into sub-groups, or species, each one characterized by a particular behavioral structure that all individuals within that species share. Speciation is achieved by describing each neurocontroller using a representations that we call a behavior signature, these are descriptors that characterize the traversed path of the robot within the environment. Behavior signatures are coded using character strings, this allows us to compare them using a string similarity measure, and three measures are tested. The proposed behavior-based speciation is compared with canonical evolution and a method that speciates based on network topology. Experimental tests were carried out using two robot tasks (navigation and homing behavior), several training environments, and two different robots (Khepera and Pioneer), both real and simulated. Results indicate that behavior-based speciation increases the diversity of the behaviors based on their structure, without sacrificing performance. Moreover, the evolved controllers exhibit good robustness when the robot is placed within environments that were not used during training. In conclusion, the speciation method presented in this work allows an evolutionary algorithm to produce several robot behaviors that are structurally different but all are able to solve the same robot task.},
  year = {2011},
  xtraurl = {Papers/trujillo_behaviors_final.pdf},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



 author = {Lutton, \'Evelyne and Fekete, Jean-Daniel},
 title = {Visual analytics of {EA} data},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual conference companion on Genetic and evolutionary computation},
 series = {GECCO '11},
 year = {2011},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-0690-4},
 location = {Dublin, Ireland},
 pages = {145--146},
 numpages = {2},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2001858.2001940},
 doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2001858.2001940},
 xtraurls = {http://evelyne.lutton.free.fr/Papers/LuttonGECCO2011.pdf},
 acmid = {2001940},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
  type_publi =	"colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  hal_id = {inria-00587170},
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00587170/en/},
  title = { {V}isual analytics and experimental analysis of evolutionary algorithms},
  author = {Lutton, \'Evelyne and Fekete, Jean-Daniel},
  keywords = {{V}isual {A}nalytics; experimental analysis of evolutionary algorithms; parameter tuning; fitness landscape visualisation},
  language = {{A}nglais},
  affiliation = {{AVIZ} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} },
  pages = {19 },
  type = {Research Report},
  institution = {INRIA},
  number = {{RR}-7605},
  day = {19},
  month = {04},
  year = {2011},
  url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00587170/PDF/RR-7605.pdf},
  type_publi =	"rapport",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  pdfkeywords = {Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT, Positron Emission Tomography, PET, tomography, reconstruction, artificial evolution, fly algorithm},
  author = {Franck Patrick Vidal and  Jean Louchet and Jean-Marie Rocchisani and \'Evelyne Lutton},
  title = {Artificial Evolution for {PET} and {SPECT} reconstruction},
  booktitle = {AAPM Annual Meeting},
  year = {2010},
  address = {Philadelphia, PA},
  month = JUL,
  annotation = {Jul~18--22, 2010},
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author    = {Benoit Kaufmann and Jean Louchet and \'Evelyne Lutton},
  title     = {Hand Posture Recognition Using Real-Time Artificial Evolution},
  booktitle     = {Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplicatons
               2010: EvoCOMPLEX, EvoGAMES, EvoIASP, EvoINTELLIGENCE, EvoNUM,
               and EvoSTOC, Istanbul, Turkey, April 7-9, 2010, Proceedings,
               Part I},
  year      = {2010},
  pages     = {251-260},
  editor    = {Cecilia Di Chio and
               Stefano Cagnoni and
               Carlos Cotta and
               Marc Ebner and
               Anik{\'o} Ek{\'a}rt and
               Anna Esparcia-Alc{\'a}zar and
               Chi Keong Goh and
               Juan J. Merelo Guerv{\'o}s and
               Ferrante Neri and
               Mike Preuss and
               Julian Togelius and
               Georgios N. Yannakakis},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {6024},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-12238-5},
  ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12239-2},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  url = "http://evelyne.lutton.free.fr/Papers/KaufmannEvoIASP2010.pdf",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author    = {Franck Patrick Vidal and Jean Louchet and Jean-Marie Rocchisani and \'Evelyne Lutton},
  title     = {New Genetic Operators in the Fly Algorithm: Application
               to Medical PET Image Reconstruction},
  year      = {2010},
  pages     = {292-301},
  ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12239-2_30},
  editor    = {Cecilia Di Chio and
               Stefano Cagnoni and
               Carlos Cotta and
               Marc Ebner and
               Anik{\'o} Ek{\'a}rt and
               Anna Esparcia-Alc{\'a}zar and
               Chi Keong Goh and
               Juan J. Merelo Guerv{\'o}s and
               Ferrante Neri and
               Mike Preuss and
               Julian Togelius and
               Georgios N. Yannakakis},
  booktitle     = {Applications of Evolutionary Computation, EvoApplicatons
               2010: EvoCOMPLEX, EvoGAMES, EvoIASP, EvoINTELLIGENCE, EvoNUM,
               and EvoSTOC, Istanbul, Turkey, April 7-9, 2010, Proceedings,
               Part I},
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  volume    = {6024},
  isbn      = {978-3-642-12238-5},
  ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-12239-2},
  url = "http://evelyne.lutton.free.fr/Papers/Vidal2010EvoIASP.pdf",
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = {Franck Patrick Vidal and \'Evelyne Lutton and  Jean Louchet and Jean-Marie Rocchisani},
  title = {Threshold selection, mitosis and dual mutation in cooperative
  co-evolution: application to medical 3D tomography},
  booktitle = { PPSN 2010, 11th International Conference on 

Parallel Problem Solving From Nature},

  year = {2010},
  month = {September},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  note = {Krakow, Poland},
  abstract = {We present and analyse the behaviour of specialised

operators designed for cooperative coevolution strategy in the framework of 3D tomographic PET reconstruction. The basis is a simple cooperative co-evolution scheme (the ``fly algorithm''), which embeds the searched solution in the whole population, letting each individual be only a part of the solution. An individual, or fly, is a 3D point that emits positrons. Using a cooperative co-evolution scheme to optimize the position of positrons, the population of flies evolves so that the data estimated from flies matches measured data. The final population approximates the radioactivity concentration. In this paper, three operators are proposed, threshold selection, mitosis and dual mutation, and their impact on the algorithm efficiency is experimentally analysed on a controlled test-case. Their extension to other cooperative co-evolution schemes is discussed.},

 url = "http://evelyne.lutton.free.fr/Papers/Vidal2010PPSN.pdf",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec"



  author = {Mesmoudi, Salma and Perrot, Nathalie and Reuillon, Romain and Bourgine, Paul and Lutton, \'Evelyne},
  title = {Optimal viable path search for a cheese ripening process using a multi-objective EA},
  booktitle = {ICEC 2010, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation},
  year = {2010},
  month = {October},
  note = {24-26 oct, Valencia, Spain},
  abstract = {Viability theory is a very attractive theoretical approach for

the modeling of complex dynamical systems. However, its scope of application is limited due to the high computational power it necessitates. Evolutionary computation is a convenient way to address some issues related to this theory. In this paper, we present a multi-objective evolutionary approach to address the optimisation problem related to the computation of optimal command profiles of a complex process. The application we address here is a real size problem from dairy industry, the modeling of a Camembert cheese ripening process. We have developed a parallel implementation of a multiobjective EA that has produced a Pareto front of optimal control profiles (or trajectories), with respect to four objectives. The Pareto front was then analysed by an expert who selected a interesting compromise, yielding a new control profile that seems promising for industrial applications.},

 url = "http://evelyne.lutton.free.fr/Papers/MesmoudiICEC2010.pdf",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec"


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Isenberg % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ARTICLE{Lam:2012:SGS,

  author = {Heidi Lam and Enrico Bertini and Petra Isenberg and Catherine Plaisant
	and Sheelagh Carpendale},
  title = {{E}mpirical {S}tudies in {I}nformation {V}isualization: {S}even {S}cenarios},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year = {2012},
  note = {Appeared online: 30 Nov.\ 2011. Supersedes an	earlier techreport},
  doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2011.279},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary},
  optmonth = {#nov#/#dec#},
  optnumber = {5},
  optpages = {1232--1238},
  optvolume = {12},



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Danyel Fisher and Sharoda A. Paul and Ringel Morris,Meredith
	and Kori Inkpen and Mary Czerwinski},
  title = {{C}ollaborative {V}isual {A}nalytics {A}round a {T}abletop {D}isplay},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {18},
  pages = {689--702},
  number = {5},
  month = may,
  note = {Appeared in pre-print 12/2011},
  doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2011.287}



  author = {Stefanie Klum and Petra Isenberg and Ricardo Langner and Jean-Daniel
	Fekete and Raimund Dachselt},
  title = {{S}tackables: {C}ombining {T}angibles for {F}aceted {B}rowsing},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual
	Interfaces (AVI)},
  year = {2012},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  publisher = {ACM},
  note = {To appear},
  optdoi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1978942.1979194},
  optpages = {1727--1736},
  optpdf = {../publications/papers/Sedlmair_2011_CAV.pdf},



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = {{F}rom the {I}ndividual to the {G}roup: {I}ntegrating {A}synchronous
	{C}ollaboration with {C}o-located {W}ork},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the AVI Workshop on Supporting Asynchronous Collaboration
	in Visual Analytics Systems},
  year = {2012},
  publisher = {Published online},
  note = {To appear},
  owner = {pisenberg},
  pdf = {Attach:Isenberg_2012_FIT.pdf Δ},
  timestamp = {2012.04.05}



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Stefanie Klum and Ricardo Langner and Jean-Daniel
	Fekete and Raimund Dachselt},
  title = {{S}tackables: {F}aceted {B}rowsing with {S}tacked {T}angibles},
  booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing
	Systems (CHI Interactivity)},
  year = {2012},
  note = {To appear},
  owner = {Petra}



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Anastasia Bezerianos and Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = {A Study on Dual-Scale Data Charts},
  journal = {Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {17},
  number = {12},
  month = dec,
  pages = "2469--2478",
  doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2011.238},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Danyel Fisher and Sharoda A. Paul and Ringel Morris,Meredith and Kori Inkpen and Mary Czerwinski},
  title = {{C}ollaborative {V}isual {A}nalytics {A}round a {T}abletop {D}isplay},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year = {2011},
  note = {To appear},
  optmonth = {#nov#/#dec#},
  optnumber = {5},
  optpages = {1232--1238},
  optvolume = {12},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Niklas Elmqvist and Jean Scholtz and Daniel Cernea
	and Kwan-Liu Ma and Hans Hagen},
  title = {{C}ollaborative {V}isualization: {D}efinition, {C}hallenges, and
	{R}esearch {A}genda},
  journal = {Information Visualization Journal (IVS), Special Issue on Information
	Visualization: State of the Field and New Research Directions},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {10},
  number = {4},
  month = oct,
  pages = {310--326},
  doi = {10.1177/1473871611412817},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Michael Sedlmair and Petra Isenberg and Dominikus Baur and Andreas Butz},
  title = 	 {{I}nformation {V}isualization {E}valuation in {L}arge Companies: {C}hallenges, {E}xperiences and {R}ecommendations},
 journal =   {Information Visualization Journal},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {10},
  number = {3},
  month = jul,
  doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1473871611413099},
  pages = {248--266},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Danyel Fisher},
  title = {{P}airgrams: {U}nderstanding {C}ollaborative {A}nalysis {B}ehavior with {V}isualization},
  booktitle = {CHI Workshop on Analytic Provenance: Process+Interaction+Insight },
  year = {2011},
  owner = {Petra},
  address = {Held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Vancouver, Canada},
  url = {http://www.aviz.fr/~isenberg/publications/papers/Isenberg_2011_PUC.pdf},
  type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



 author = {Petra Isenberg and Danyel Fisher},
 title = {Cambiera: Visual {A}nalytics on the {S}urface},
 booktitle = {Videos of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)},
 year = {2011},
 OPTdates = {November 23--25},
 publisher = {ACM Press},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 OPTlocation = {Banff, Alberta, Canada},
 video = {http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9izFMJ5yms},
 url = {http://www.aviz.fr/~isenberg/publications/papers/Isenberg_2011_CVA.pdf},
 type_publi = "autre",
 x-equipes = {aviz ext},
 x-type = {article},
 x-support = {actes},
 x-editorial-board = "yes",
 x-proceedings = "yes",
 x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = {Heidi Lam and Enrico Bertini and Petra Isenberg and Catherine Plaisant and Sheelagh Carpendale},
  title = {Seven {G}uiding {S}cenarios for {I}nformation {V}isualization {E}valuation},
  institution = {Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary},
  year = {2011},
  type = {Techreport},
  number = {2011-992-04},
  address = {Calgary, AB, Canada},
  month = {January},
  owner = {pisenberg},
  url = {http://www.aviz.fr/~isenberg/publications/papers/Lam_2011_SGS.pdf},
  url2 = {https://dspace.ucalgary.ca/handle/1880/48389},
  type_publi = "rapport",
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Michael Sedlmair and Petra Isenberg and Dominikus Baur and Michael Mauerer and Christian Pigorsch and Andreas Butz},
  title = 	 {Cardiogram: Visual Analytics for Automotive Engineers},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)},
  year = 	 {2011},
  OPTmonth = 	 may,
  doi = {10.1145/1978942.1979194},
  pages = 	 {1727--1736},
  publisher = "ACM Press",
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Danny Holten and Petra Isenberg and Jarke J. van Wijk and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {An Extended Evaluation of the Readability of Tapered, Animated, and Textured Directed-Edge Representations in Node-Link Graphs},
  booktitle = { Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2011 IEEE},
  year = 	 {2011},
  month = 	 mar,
  publisher = {IEEE Press},
  pages = "195--202",
  doi = {10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2011.5742390},
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Michael Sedlmair and Petra Isenberg and Dominikus Baur and Andreas Butz},
  title = 	 {Evaluating Information Visualization in Large Companies: Challenges, Experiences and Recommendations},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the CHI Workshop Beyond Time and Errors: Novel Evaluation Methods for Information Visualization (BELIV)},
  pages = 	 {79--86},
  year = 	 2010,
  address = 	 {New York, NY, USA},
  publisher = {ACM Press},
  note = "Best Paper Award",
  url = "http://www.beliv.org/papers/beliv2010/Research%20Papers/17-Sedlmair_2009_EIV.pdf",
  type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Danny Holten and Petra Isenberg and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Jarke J. van Wijk},
  title = 	 {{P}erformance {E}valuation of {T}apered, {C}urved, and {A}nimated {D}irected-{E}dge {R}epresentations in {N}ode-{L}ink {G}raphs},
  institution =  {Laboratory for Quality Software (LaQuSo), Eindhoven University of Technology},
  year = 	 2010,
  number = 	 {LaQuSo DH/PI/JDF/JvW/415},
  pages = 9,
  url = "http://www.win.tue.nl/~dholten/papers/directed_edges_tr.pdf",
  type_publi = "rapport",
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Danyel Fisher and Ringel Morris, Meredith and Kori Inkpen and Mary Czerwinski},
  title = {{A}n {E}xploratory {S}tudy of {C}o-located {C}ollaborative {V}isual
    {A}nalytics around a {T}abletop {D}isplay},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2010)},
  year = {2010},
  address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  pages = "179--186",
  owner = {Petra},
  timestamp = {2009.06.02},
  url = "http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/58/72/36/PDF/Isenberg_VAST2010Paper.pdf",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  author = {Lingyun Yu and Pjotr Svetachov and Petra Isenberg and Maarten H.
    Everts and Tobias Isenberg},
  title = {{FI3D:} {D}irect-{T}ouch {I}nteraction for the {E}xploration of {3D}
    {S}cientific {V}isualization {S}paces},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  year = {2010},

month = "Nov-Dec", volume = 16, number = 6, pages = "1613--1622", url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.157", doi = "10.1109/TVCG.2010.157",

  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},



  author = {Petra Isenberg and Michael Sedlmair and Dominikus Baur and Tobias
	Isenberg and Andreas Butz},
  title = {Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces---CoVIS '09},
  institution = {Ludwig Maximilias University Munich},
  year = {2010},
  type = {Technical Report},
  number = {LMU-MI-2010-2},
  address = {Munich},
  month = apr,
  note = {ISSN 1862-5207},
  owner = {pisenberg},
  timestamp = {2010.04.29},
  url = {http://www.medien.ifi.lmu.de/pubdb/publications/pub/isenberg2010covis/isenberg2010covis.pdf},

type_publi = "rapport",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Chevalier % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Chevalier % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  author = 	 {Nathalie {Henry Riche} and Bongshin Lee and Fanny Chevalier},
  title = 	 {{iChase}: Supporting Exploration and Awareness of Editing Activities on Wikipedia},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of AVI 2010},
  year = 	 2010,
  month = 	 may,
  pages = {59-66},
  publisher =	 {ACM Press},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1842993.1843004},
  doi = {10.1145/1842993.1843004},
  exterieur = "oui",
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {AVI}



  author = 	 {Anastasia Bezerianos and Fanny Chevalier and Pierre Dragicevic and Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {{GraphDice}: A System for Exploring Multivariate Social Networks},
  journal = {Computer Graphics Forum - Eurographics/IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2010 (EuroVis 2010)},
  year = 	 2010,
  month = 	 jun,
  issn = {0167-7055},
  pages = {863-872},
  volume = 10,
  number = 3,
  doi = "10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01687.x",
  url = "http://www.aviz.fr/graphdice/graphdice.pdf",
  type_publi = {irevcomlec},
  equipes = {AVIZ ext},
  type = {articlelong},
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



  author = 	 {Nadia Boukhelifa and Fanny Chevalier and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {{Real-time Aggregation of Wikipedia Data for Visual Analytics}},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2010)},
  year = 		2010,
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  pages = "147--154",
  url = "http://www.aviz.fr/wikireactive/wikireactivity.pdf",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  author = 	 {Fanny Chevalier and Pierre Dragicevic and Anastasia Bezerianos and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 "{Using Text Animated Transitions to Support Navigation in Document Histories}",
  booktitle = {CHI '10: Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human factors in computing systems},
  year = {2010},
  isbn = {978-1-60558-929-9},
  pages = {683--692},
  location = {Atlanta, Georgia, USA},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1753326.1753427},
  url = {http://www.aviz.fr/diffamation/diffamation-CHI2010.pdf},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  rate = {302/1346 (22\%)},
  type_publi = {icolcomlec},
  equipes = {AVIZ ext},
  type = {articlelong},
  support = {CHI},
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title =		"{WikipediaViz}: Conveying Article Quality for Casual Wikipedia Readers",
  author =		"Fanny Chevalier and Stéphane Huot and Jean-Daniel Fekete",
  booktitle =	{Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2010 IEEE},
  publisher =	"IEEE Press",
  month = 		mar,
  year =  		2010,
  pages = "49-56",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  doi = {10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2010.5429611},
  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2010.5429611",
  xtraurls = {http://www.aviz.fr/wikipediaviz/wikipediaviz_PacificVis-2010.pdf},
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title =		"Visualisation de mesures agr\'eg\'ees pour l'estimation de la qualit\'e des articles Wikipedia",
  author =		"Fanny Chevalier and Stéphane Huot and Jean-Daniel Fekete",
  booktitle = {Extraction et gestion des connaissances (EGC'2010), Actes, Hammamet, Tunisie, 26 au 29 janvier 2010},
  year      = 2010,
  pages = "351--362",
  type_publi = "colcomlec",
  publisher = {C{\'e}padu{\`e}s-{\'E}ditions},
  series    = {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information},
  url = "http://www.aviz.fr/wikipediaviz/wikipediaviz_EGC-2010.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-cle-support = {EGC},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "no",


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Fekete http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/ % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @PROCEEDINGS{Feteke:2011:PV,

  editor    = {Giuseppe Di Battista and
               Jean-Daniel Fekete and
               Huamin Qu},
  title     = {Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2011 IEEE},
  booktitle = {PacificVis},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  month     = mar,
  year      = {2011},
  location  = {Hong Kong},
  isbn      = {978-1-61284-935-5},
  ee        = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/mostRecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5738441},
  bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
  type_publi = "editeur",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",  



  author = {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Pierre-Luc H\'emery and Thomas Baudel and Jo Wood},
  title = {Obvious: A Meta-Toolkit to Encapsulate Information Visualization Toolkits --- One Toolkit to Bind Them All},
  booktitle = {Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2011 IEEE Symposium on}, 
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  pages = "89--98",
  url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6102446},
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



  author = {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Wael Khemiri and Ioana Manolescu and V\'eronique Benzaken},
  title = {Provenance Management in the EdiFlow VA Workflow},
  booktitle = {CHI Workshop on Analytic Provenance: Process+Interaction+Insight },
  year = {2011},
  address = {Held in conjunction with the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), Vancouver, Canada},
  type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author    = {Tatiana von Landesberger and
               Arjan Kuijper and
               Tobias Schreck and
               J{\"o}rn Kohlhammer and
               Jarke J. van Wijk and
               Jean-Daniel Fekete and
               Dieter W. Fellner},
  title     = {Visual Analysis of Large Graphs: State-of-the-Art and Future
               Research Challenges},
  journal   = {Computer Graphics Forum},
  volume    = {30},
  number    = {6},
  year      = {2011},
  pages     = {1719-1749},
  url       = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8659.2011.01898.x},
  publisher = {Blackwell Publishing Ltd},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


inria-00544452, version 1 http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00544452/en/ @inproceedings{KATSIFODIMOS:2010:INRIA-00544452:1,

    HAL_ID = {inria-00544452},
    URL = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00544452/en/},
    title = { {V}isualizing the dynamics of e-science social networks},
    author = {{K}atsifodimos, {A}sterios and {F}ekete, {J}ean-{D}aniel and {C}ady, {A}lain and {G}ermain-{R}enaud, {C}ecile},
    abstract = {{C}omputational grids provide new natural examples of large-scale complex networks emerging from collective behavior. {A}n interesting question is thus whether these networks exhibit properties similar to those of other social networks ({SN}), or original ones, which would be the specific signature of e-science. {A}s a first step towards answering these questions, we build a scalable interactive visual exploration tool targeted at the spatiotemporal structure of data-access and data-sharing. {T}he primary goal is to help computer science researchers getting intuition about the dynamics of the system.},
    language = {{A}nglais},
    affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {LRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {LEO} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {AVIZ} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {TAO} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} },
    booktitle = {{EGEE} {U}ser {F}orum },
    address = {{U}ppsala {S}u{\`e}de },
    audience = {internationale },
    day = {12},
    month = {04},
    year = {2010},
  type_publi = "autre",
  x-equipes = {aviz leo tao ext},
  x-type = {demo},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


inria-00532552, version 1 http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00532552/en/ @inproceedings{BENZAKEN:2011:INRIA-00532552:1,

    HAL_ID = {inria-00532552},
    url = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00532552/en/},
    title = { {E}di{F}low: data-intensive interactive workflows for visual analytics},
    author = {{B}enzaken, {V}\'eronique and {F}ekete, {J}ean-{D}aniel and {H}{\'e}mery, {P}ierre-{L}uc and {K}hemiri, {W}ael and {M}anolescu, {I}oana},
    keywords = {{V}isual analytics, scientific workflows},
    language = {{A}nglais},
    affiliation = {{L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {LRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {AVIZ} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {LEO} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} },
    booktitle = {{I}nternational conference on {D}ata {E}ngineering (ICDE 2011)},
    address = {Hannover, Germany },
    organization = {{IEEE} },
    audience = {internationale },
    day = {11},
    month = {04},
    year = {2011},
    url = {http://doi.ieee.org/10.1109/ICDE.2011.5767914},
    type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
    x-equipes = {aviz leo proval},
    x-type = {article},
    x-support = {actes},



  author = 	 {Nathalie {Henry Riche} and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {Handbook of Social Network Technologies and Applications},
  chapter = 	 {Novel Visualizations and Interactions for Social Networks Exploration},
  publisher = 	 {Springer},
  year = 	 2010,
  pages = 	 {611-636},
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",


@INCOLLECTION {Fekete:2010:Infrastructure,

  author = {Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = { Infrastructure },
  booktitle = { Mastering The Information Age - Solving Problems with Visual Analytics },
  publisher = { Eurographics Assoc. },
  editor = { Daniel Keim and Jörn Kohlhammer and Geoffrey Ellis and Florian Mansmann },
  chapter = { 6 },
  year = { 2010 },
  pages = { 87--108 },
  isbn = { ISBN 978-3-905673-77-7 },
  url = "http://www.vismaster.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/chapter-6.pdf",
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {L'usager numérique},
  chapter = 	 {Visualiser l'information pour la comprendre vite et bien},
  publisher = 	 {ADBS éditions},
  year = 	 2010,
  address = 	 {25, rue Claude-Tillier, 75012 Paris},
  month = 	 sep,
  pages = 	 {161--194},
  isbn = "978-2-84365-126-7",
  type_publi = "diffusion",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "no",


@article{Geneaquilt:2010, author = {Anastasia Bezerianos and Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Juhee Bae and Ben Watson}, title = {GeneaQuilts: A System for Exploring Large Genealogies}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, year = 2010, month = "Nov-Dec", volume = 16, number = 6, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, pages = "1073--1081", url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.159}, xtraurls = "http://www.aviz.fr/geneaquilts/geneaquilt-revised.pdf", doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2010.159},

  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {InfoVis},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},



	title	= {{Visual Analysis of Large Graphs}},
	author	= {Tatiana von Landesberger and Arjan Kuijper and Tobias Schreck and J\"orn Kohlhammer and Jarke J. van Wijk and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Dieter W. Fellner},
	booktitle	= {Eurographics 2010 State of the Art Reports},

editor = {Helwig Hauser and Erik Reinhard}, month = apr, pages = {113--136}, year = 2010, publisher = {{Eurographics Association}}, type_publi = "icolcomlec", url = "http://www.gris.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~tschreck/papers/egstar10.pdf", x-equipes = {aviz EXT},

  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


inria-00425666, version 1 http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00425666/en/ @inproceedings{MANOLESCU:2009:INRIA-00425666:1,

	title = {{Reactive workflows for visual analytics}},
	author = {Manolescu, Ioana and Khemiri, Wael and Benzaken, Véronique and Fekete, Jean-Daniel},
	language = {Anglais},
	affiliation = {{GEMO} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {LRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {AVIZ} - {INRIA}},
	booktitle = {{J}ourn{\'e}es {B}ases de {D}onn{\'e}es {A}vanc{\'e}es},
	address = {{N}aumur {B}elgique},
	editor = {{B}ernd {A}mann},
	audience = {internationale},
	day = {22},
	month = {10},
	year = {2009},
	URL = {http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00425666/en/},
        x-proceedings = "no",
        x-international-audience = "yes",
        x-equipes = {aviz leo proval},
        x-pays = {FR},

type_publi = "colcomlec" }


	title = {{ReaViz: Reactive workflows for visual analytics}},
	author = {Manolescu, Ioana and Khemiri, Wael and Benzaken, Véronique and Fekete, Jean-Daniel},
	language = {Anglais},
	affiliation = {{GEMO} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {INRIA} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {L}aboratoire de {R}echerche en {I}nformatique - {LRI} - {CNRS} : {UMR}8623 - {U}niversit{\'e} {P}aris {S}ud - {P}aris {XI} - {INRIA} {S}aclay - {I}le de {F}rance - {AVIZ} - {INRIA}},
	booktitle = {Data Management \& Visual Analytics Workshop},
	address = {{B}erlin, {G}ermany},
	audience = {internationale},
  	year = {2009},
        x-equipes = {aviz leo proval},
        type_publi = "colloque"



  author = {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Denise Ogilvie},
  title = {Le projet et la plate-forme ``Millefeuille''~: recherches et outils informatiques pour de nouveaux usages des almanachs"},
  journal = {Biblioth\`eque de l'\'Ecole des Chartes},
  year =  2008,
  volume = 166,
  pages = {89-98},
  type_publi = "revcomlec"


@Article{Elmqvist2009d, title = "M\'elange: Space Folding for Visual Exploration", author = {Niklas Elmqvist and Yann Riche and Nathalie {Henry Riche} and Jean-Daniel Fekete}, journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics", year = "2010", publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, pages = "468--483", volume = 16, number = 3, type_publi = "irevcomlec", doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2009.86}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2009.86},

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


@Article{Elmqvist2009c, title = "Hierarchical Aggregation for Information Visualization: Overview, Techniques, and Design Guidelines", author = "Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics", year = 2010, issn = {1077-2626}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, pages = "439--454", volume = 16, number = 3, doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2009.84}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2009.84}, type_publi = "irevcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {Encyclopedia of Database Systems},
  chapter = 	 {Treemap},
  publisher = 	 {Springer},
  year = 	 2009,
  month = jul,
  isbn = "978-0-387-49616-0",
  url = "http://www.springer.com/computer/database+management+&+information+retrieval/book/978-0-387-35544-3",
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Petra Isenberg and Anastasia Bezerianos and Nathalie Henry and Sheelagh Carpendale and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {{CoCoNutTrix}: Collaborative Retrofitting for Information Visualization},
  journal = 	 {Computer Graphics and Applications: Special Issue on Collaborative Visualization},
  year = 	 2009,
  number = 5,
  doi = "10.1109/MCG.2009.78",
  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/MCG.2009.78",
  volume = 29,
  pages = 	 {44--57},
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  month = 	 {Sept-Oct},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {JICGA},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes"



  author = 	 {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Niklas Elmqvist and Yves Guiard},
  title = 	 {Motion-Pointing: Target Selection using Elliptical Motions},

booktitle = {CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems},

 year = {2009},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-246-7},
 pages = {289--298},
 location = {Boston, MA, USA},
 doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518748},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1518748},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
  month = 	 apr,
  rate = {xxx/1130 (24.5\%)},
  type_publi = {icolcomlec},
  equipes = {AVIZ},
  type = {articlelong},
  support = {CHI},
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  editor = 	 {Andreas Kerren and John T. Stasko and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Chris North},
  title = 	 {Information Visualization --- Human-Centered Issues and Perspectives},
  publisher = 	 {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg},
  year = 	 2008,
  volume = 	 "4950/2008",
  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  type_publi =   "editeur",
  pages = "IX, 177",
  isbn = "978-3-540-70955-8",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {edition},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Jarke J. van Wijk and John T. Stasko and Chris North},
  title = 	 {The Value of Information Visualization},
  chapter = 	 1,
  publisher = 	 {Springer},
  year = 	 2008,
  volume = 	 "4950/2008",
  series = 	 {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70956-5_1",
  pages = "1--18",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Daniel Keim and Gennady Andrienko and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Carsten G\"org and J\"orn Kohlhammer and Guy Melan\c{c}con},
  title = 	 {Visual Analytics: Definition, Process, and Challenges},
  chapter = 	 7,
  publisher = 	 {Springer},
  year = 	 2008,
  volume = 	 4950,
  series = 	 {LNCS State-of-the-Art Survey},
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-70956-5_7",
  pages = "154--175",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},
  x-international-audience = "yes",

@TechReport{Fekete:ZAME:2007, title = "Navigating Wikipedia with the Zoomable Adjacency Matrix Explorer", author = "Jean-Daniel Fekete and Niklas Elmqvist and Thanh-Nghi Do and Howard Goodell and Nathalie Henry", institution = "INRIA Research Report (Paris)", number = "RR-6163", pages = 25, month = apr, year = 2007, url = "http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00141168/en", type_publi = "rapport",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},



 author = {Remo Aslak Burkhard and Gennady Andrienko and Natalia Andrienko and Jason Dykes and Alexander Koutamanis and Wolfgang Kienreich and Robert Phaal and Alan Blackwell and Martin Eppler and Jeffrey Huang and Mark Meagher and Armin Gr\"{u}n and Silke Lang and Daniel Perrin and Wibke Weber and Andrew Vande Moere and Bruce Herr and Katy B\"{o}rner and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Dominique Brodbeck},
 title = {Visualization summit 2007: ten research goals for 2010},
 journal = {Information Visualization},
 volume = {6},
 number = {3},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {1473-8716},
 pages = {169--188},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1375939.1375940},
 publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
  type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {revue},



  author = 	 {Kerren, Andreas and Stasko, John T. and Fekete, Jean-Daniel and North, Chris},
  title = 	 {Workshop report: information visualization-human-centered issues in visual representation, interaction, and evaluation},
  journal = 	 {Information Visualization},
  year = 	 2007,
  pages = 	 {1473--8724},
  month = 	 oct,
  publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan},
  type_publi = "colloque",
  url = "http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ivs/journal/v6/n3/full/9500160a.html",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {revue},



  author =      {Andreas Kerren and John T. Stasko and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Chris North},
  title =       {07221 Executive Summary - Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues in Visual Representation, Interaction, and Evaluation},
  booktitle =   {Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues in Visual Representation, Interaction, and Evaluation},
  year =        2007,
  editor =      {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Andreas Kerren and Chris North and John T. Stasko},
  number =      {07221},
  series =      {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings},
  ISSN =        {1862-4405},
  publisher =   {Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany},
  address =  {Dagstuhl, Germany},
  annote =   {Keywords: Information Visualization, Visualization, Human-centered Aspects, Evaluation, Visual Analytics, Interaction, Exploration, Human-Computer Interaction},
  url = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1135",
  xtraurls = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1135/pdf/07221.SWM.Paper.1135.pdf",
  type_publi = "diffusion",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {diffusion},



  author =      {Andreas Kerren and John T. Stasko and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Chris North},
  title =       {07221 Abstracts Collection -- Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues in Visual Representation, Interaction, and Evaluation},
  booktitle =   {Information Visualization - Human-Centered Issues in Visual Representation, Interaction, and Evaluation},
  year =        2007,
  editor =      {Jean-Daniel Fekete and Andreas Kerren and Chris North and John T. Stasko},
  number =      {07221},
  series =      {Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings},
  ISSN =        {1862-4405},
  publisher =   {Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany},
  OPTaddress =  {Dagstuhl, Germany},
  url = {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1136},
  xtraurls = "http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2007/1136/pdf/07221_abstracts_collection.1136.pdf",
  type_publi = "diffusion",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {diffusion},


@inproceedings{appert-ihm07, author = "Caroline Appert and Jean-Daniel Fekete", title = "{Naviguer dans des grands arbres avec ControlTree}", booktitle = "Proceedings of IHM 2007, 19ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine", year = 2007, month = nov, publisher = "ACM Press, International Conference Proceedings Series", type_publi = "colcomlec", pages = "139--142", url = {http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/ControlTree_IHM07.pdf},

  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {IHM}


@inproceedings{touchstone, author = "Wendy Mackay and Caroline Appert and Michel {Beaudouin-Lafon} and Olivier Chapuis and Yangzhou Du and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Yves Guiard", title = "TouchStone: Exploratory Design of Experiments", booktitle = "Proceedings of ACM CHI 2007 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems", month = apr, year = 2007, publisher = "ACM Press", type_publi = "icolcomlec", pages = "1425-1434", url = "http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1240624.1240840", rate = "142/571 (25\%)",

  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI}


@article{fekete-contest-TVCG08, author = {Catherine Plaisant and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Georges Grinstein}, title = {Promoting Insight-Based Evaluation of Visualizations: From Contest to Benchmark Repository}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, year = 2008, issn = {1077-2626}, pages = {120--134}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2007.70412}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, type_publi = "irevcomlec", url = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2007.70412", xtraurls = "http://hcil.cs.umd.edu/trs/2004-30/2004-30.pdf",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Henry % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  author = 	 {Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {Repr\'esentations visuelles alternatives pour les r\'eseaux sociaux},
  journal = 	 {R\'ESEAUX: communication - technologie - soci\'et\'e},
  year = 	 2008,
  publisher = 	 {Herm\`es - Lavoisier},
  doi = {10.3166/R\'eseaux.152.59-92},
  url = {http://reseaux.revuesonline.com/article.jsp?articleId=12719},
  volume = 	 26,
  number = 	 152,
  pages = 	 {59--92},
  type_publi = "revcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "no",


@article{Henry:2008:IRC, author = {Nathalie Henry and Anastasia Bezerianos and Jean-Daniel Fekete}, title = {Improving the Readability of Clustered Social Networks using Node Duplication}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, issn = {1077-2626}, year = {2008}, pages = {1317-1324}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2008.141}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, type_publi = "irevcomlec", rate = "28/107 (26\%)",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {InfoVis},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Nathalie Henry},
  title = 	 {Exploring Large Social Networks with Matrix-Based Representations},
  school = 	 {Universit\'ee Paris-Sud (France)},
  year = 	 2008,
  month = 	 jul,
  type_publi = "these",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {these},
  x-support = {rapport}



  author = 	 {Nathalie Henry and Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {A Methodological Note on Setting Up Logging and Replay Mechanisms in InfoVis Systems},
  booktitle = {In BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization (BELIV'08), a workshop at the ACM CHI 2008 conference},
  pages = 	 {2 pages},
  year = 	 2008,
  month = 	 apr,
  url = "http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/ps/Henry-BELIV2008.pdf",
  type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = {Nathalie Henry and Howard Goodell and Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = "{20 Years of four HCI conferences: A Visual Exploration}",
  journal = "International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction --- Special issue in honor of Ben Shneiderman's 60th birthday: Reflections on Human-Computer Interaction",
  volume = 23,
  number = 3,
  pages = "239--285",
  year = 2007,
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  publisher = "Lawrence Erlbaum Associates",
  url = "http://www.leaonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10447310701702402",
  xtraurls = "http://www.cs.umd.edu/hcil/ben60/HenryV3.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {IJHCI}


@article{Henry:2007:NHV, author = {Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete and Michael J. McGuffin}, title = {{NodeTrix}: a Hybrid Visualization of Social Networks}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {13}, number = {6}, year = 2007, issn = {1077-2626}, pages = {1302-1309}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2007.70582}, xtraurls = {http://www.lri.fr/~nhenry/docs/Henry-InfoVis2007.pdf}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, rate = "27/114 (24\%)", type_publi = "irevcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {InfoVis}



   editor    = {C\'{e}cilia Baranauskas and Philippe Palanque and Julio Abascal and Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa},
   booktitle = {Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2007},
   publisher = {Springer},
   location  = {Heidelberg},
   series    = {LNCS},
   volume    = {4663},
   year      = 2007,
   isbn      = {978-3-540-74799-4},
   author    = {Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
   title     = "{MatLink: Enhanced Matrix Visualization for Analyzing Social Networks}",
   pages     = {288--302},
   rate      = "76/223 (34\%)",
   note      = "(Brian Shackel Award)",
   type_publi = "icolcomlec",
   url = "http://www.springerlink.com/content/c2v1168g42212707/",
   xtraurls = "http://www.lri.fr/~nhenry/docs/Henry-Interact2007.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {INTERACT}


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Elmqvist % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


 author = {Niklas Elmqvist and Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
 title = {Color Lens: Adaptive Color Scale Optimization for Visual Exploration},
 journal ={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
 publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
 address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
 volume    = {17},
 number    = {6},
 year      = {2011},
 pages     = {795-807},
 ee        = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.94},
 url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2010.94},
 doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2010.94},
 type_publi = "irevcomlec",
 x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
 x-type = {article},
 x-support = {revue},
 x-cle-support = {ITVCG},
 x-editorial-board = "yes",
 x-proceedings = "no",
 x-international-audience = "yes",


@article{Elmqvist:RollDice:TVCG2008, author = {Niklas Elmqvist and Pierre Dragicevic and Jean-Daniel Fekete}, title = {Rolling the Dice: Multidimensional Visual Exploration using Scatterplot Matrix Navigation}, journal ={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics}, volume = {14}, number = {6}, issn = {1077-2626}, year = {2008}, pages = {1141-1148}, url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/TVCG.2008.153}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},

 note = "(Best Paper Award)",
 type_publi = "irevcomlec",
 rate = "28/107 (26\%)",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {InfoVis},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title =		"A Taxonomy of {3D} Occlusion Management for Visualization",
  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and Philippas Tsigas",
  journal =		"IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics",
  type_publi =	"irevcomlec",
  year =		2008,
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {ITVCG},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title =		"{DataMeadow}: A Visual Canvas for Analysis of Large-Scale Multivariate Data",
  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and John T. Stasko and Philippas Tsigas",
  journal =		"Information Visualization",
  type_publi =	"irevcomlec",
  year =		2008,
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete",
  title =		"Semantic Pointing for Object Picking in Complex {3D} Environments",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2008",
  year = 	 	2008,
  location =	"Windsor, Ontario, Canada",
  address =		"New York, NY, USA",
  pages = "243-250",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  publisher =	"ACM",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {GI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and Nathalie Henry and Yann Riche and Jean-Daniel Fekete", 
  title =		"M{\'e}lange: Space Folding for Multi-Focus Interaction",
 booktitle = {CHI '08: Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-011-1},
 location = {Florence, Italy},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1357054.1357263},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
  month =		apr, 
  year =		2008,
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  rate =		"157/714 (22\%)",
  pages = "1333--1342",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and Mihail Eduard Tudoreanu and Philippas Tsigas", 
  title = 		"Evaluating Motion Constraints for 3D Wayfinding in Immersive and Desktop Virtual Environments",
 booktitle = {CHI '08: Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-011-1},
 pages = {1769--1778},
 location = {Florence, Italy},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1357054.1357330},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
  month = 		apr, 
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  rate =		"157/714 (22\%)",
 year = 2008,
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title =		"{ZAME}: Interactive Large-Scale Graph Visualization",
  author =		"Niklas Elmqvist and Thanh-Nghi Do and Howard Goodell and Nathalie Henry and Jean-Daniel Fekete",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium 2008",
  publisher =	"IEEE Press",
  month = 		mar,
  year =  		2008,
  pages = 		"215--222",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  rate = 		"30/99 (30\%)",

url = "http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/ps/zame.pdf",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  title = 		"A Taxonomy of 3D Occlusion Management Techniques",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Philippas Tsigas",
  booktitle = 	"Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality",
  year = 		2007,
  pages = 		"51--58",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  url =			"http://www.springerlink.com/content/763637x5pk8w0602/",
  xtrautls =	"http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~elm/projects/occlusion/occ-mgt-tech.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  title = 		"Tour Generation for Exploration of {3D} Virtual Environments",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Mihail Eduard Tudoreanu and Philippas Tsigas",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology",
  year =		2007,
  pages = 		"207--210",
  location = 	"Newport Beach, California",
  doi = 		"http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1315184.1315224",
  publisher = 	"ACM",
  address =		"New York, NY, USA",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  utl = 		"http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1315184.1315224",
  xtraurls =	"http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~elm/projects/tourgen/tourgen.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  title = 		"{DataMeadow}: A Visual Canvas for Analysis of Large-Scale Multivariate Data",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and John T. Stasko and Philippas Tsigas",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2007",
  year = 		2007,
  pages =       "187--194",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  url =			"http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/VAST.2007.4389013",
  xtraurls =	"http://www.aviz.fr/~elm/projects/datameadow/DataMeadow-VAST.ppt",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  title = 		"{TrustNeighborhoods}: Visualizing Trust in Distributed File Systems",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Philippas Tsigas",
  booktitle =	"Proceedings of the Eurographics/IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2007",
  year = 		2007,
  pages = 		"107--114",
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  url = 		"http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~tsigas/papers/trustvis.pdf",
  xtraurls =	"http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~elm/projects/trustvis/",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



   editor     = "C\'{e}cilia Baranauskas and Philippe Palanque and Julio Abascal and Simone Diniz Junqueira Barbosa",
   booktitle  = "Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2007",
   publisher  = "Springer",
   location   = "Heidelberg",
   series     = "LNCS",
   volume     = "4662",
   year       = 2007,
   isbn       = "978-3-540-74794-9",
   author     = "Niklas Elmqvist and Ulf Assarsson and Philippas Tsigas",
   title      = "Employing Dynamic Transparency for {3D} Occlusion Management: Design Issues and Evaluation",
   pages      = "532--545",
   type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
   url =		"http://www.springerlink.com/content/763637x5pk8w0602/",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {INTERACT}



  title = 		"Occlusion Management in Immersive and Desktop {3D} Virtual Environments: Theory and Evaluation",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Mihail Eduard Tudoreanu",
  journal = 	"International Journal of Virtual Reality",
  volume = 		"6",
  issue = 		"2",
  year = 		2007,
  pages = 		"21--32",
  type_publi = "irevcomlec",
  xtraurls = "http://www.ijvr.org/issues/issue2-2007/3.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},



  title = 		"{CiteWiz}: A Tool for the Visualization of Scientific Citation Networks",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Philippas Tsigas",
  journal = 	"Information Visualization",
  year = 		2007,
  volume =		"6",
  month =		oct,
  pages =		"215--232",
  type_publi =	"irevcomlec",
  url =			"http://www.palgrave-journals.com/ivs/journal/v6/n3/full/9500156a.html",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  title =		"View-Projection Animation for 3D Occlusion Management",
  author = 		"Niklas Elmqvist and Philippas Tsigas",
  journal = 	"Computers and Graphics",
  volume =		{31},
  number =		{6},
  year =		2007,
  issn =		{0097-8493},
  pages =		{864--876},
  publisher =	{Pergamon Press, Inc.},
  address =		{Elmsford, NY, USA},
  type_publi =	"irevcomlec",
  url = 		"http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2007.09.006",
  extraurls =	"http://www.cs.chalmers.se/~tsigas/papers/pmorph-journal.pdf",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Stagiaires % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  author = 	 {Majd Eid},
  title = 	 {ContigViz: Visualization to assist DNA Sequence Assembly for Next Generation Sequencing},
  school = 	 {Département Informatique, Université Paris-Sud},
  year = 	 2010,
  month = 	 sep,
  type_publi = "autre",



  author = 	 {Yoann Lheudé},
  title = 	 {Intégration d'outils d'analyse de données dans un flot visuel de données},
  howpublished = {Rapport de stage IUT d'Orsay},
  month = 	 jun,
  year = 	 2007,
  type_publi = "autre",



  author = 	 {Ludovic Hauchemaille},
  title = 	 {Utiliser la visualisation pour aider l'utilisateur à mieux comprendre son flot de communication email : une extension pour Columba},
  howpublished = {Rapport de stage IUT d'Orsay},
  month = 	 jun,
  year = 	 2007,
  type_publi = "autre",



  author = 	 {Félicien François},
  title = 	 {Conception et développement d'une plateforme d'encodage et de valorisation de documents historiques},
  howpublished = {Rapport de stage D2I de l'IFSIC, Université de Rennes 1},
  month = 	 oct,
  year = 	 2007,
  type_publi = "autre",


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Dragicevic % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @InProceedings{Dragicevic:2011:GAM,

  author = 	 {Pierre Dragicevic and St\'ephane Huot and Fanny Chevalier},
  title = 	 {Gliimpse: Animating from Markup Code to Rendered Documents and Vice-Versa},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology},
  series = {UIST '11},
  year = {2011},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-0716-1},
  location = {Santa Barbara, California, USA},
  pages = {257--262},
  numpages = {6},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2047196.2047229},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2047196.2047229},
  acmid = {2047229},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes_aux},
  x-cle-support = {UIST},


lirmm-00601851, version 1 http://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00601851/en/ @techreport{HASCOET:2011:LIRMM-00601851:1,

    hal_id = {lirmm-00601851},
    url = {http://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00601851/en/},
    title = {{Visual Comparison of Document Collections Using Multi-Layered Graphs}},
    author = {Hasco{\"e}t, Mountaz and Dragicevic, Pierre},
    language = {Anglais},
    institution = {Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM)},
    affiliation = {Laboratoire d'Informatique de Robotique et de Micro{\'e}lectronique de Montpellier - LIRMM - CNRS : UMR5506 - Universit{\'e} Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc - AVIZ - INRIA Saclay - Ile de France - INRIA},
    pages = {10},
    year = {2011},
    month = Jun,
    pdf = {http://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00601851/PDF/vccd\_last.pdf},
  type_publi =	"rapport",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


@Article{Chapuis:2011:TOCHI, author = {Olivier Chapuis and Pierre Dragicevic},

 title = {Effects of Motor Scale, Visual Scale and Quantization on Small Target Acquisition Difficulty},
 journal = {ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact.},
 issue_date = {July 2011},
 volume = {18},
 issue = {3},
 month = {August},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {1073-0516},
 pages = {13:1--13:32},
 articleno = {13},
 numpages = {32},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1993060.1993063},
 doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1993060.1993063},
 acmid = {1993063},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 type_publi = "irevcomlec",
 extraurls = "http://www.lri.fr/~dragice/smalltargets/",
 x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
 x-type = {article},
 x-support = {actes},
 x-editorial-board = "yes",
 x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {St\'ephane Huot and Olivier Chapuis and Pierre Dragicevic},
  title = 	 {{TorusDesktop: Pointing via the Backdoor is Sometimes Shorter}},
  booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems}},
 series = {CHI '11},
  year = {2011},
  month = 	 may,
  isbn = {978-1-4503-0228-9},
  location = {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
  pages = {829--838},
  numpages = {10},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979064},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979064},
  acmid = {1979064},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  publisher = "ACM",
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Pierre Dragicevic and Anastasia Bezerianos and Waqas Javed and Niklas Elmqvist and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {Temporal Distortion for Animated Transitions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems},
  year = {2011},
  month = 	 may,
  series = {CHI '11},
  isbn = {978-1-4503-0228-9},
  pages = {2009--2018},
  numpages = {10},
  publisher = "ACM", 
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979233},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1978942.1979233},
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



 author = {Shengdong Zhao and Pierre Dragicevic and Mark Chignell and

Ravin Balakrishnan and Patrick Baudisch},

 title = {Earpod: eyes-free menu selection using touch input and

reactive audio feedback},

 booktitle = {CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human

factors in computing systems},

 year = 2007,
 isbn = {978-1-59593-593-9},
 pages = {1395--1404},
 location = {San Jose, California, USA},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1240624.1240836},
 xtraurls = {http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~sszhao/paper/paper301-zhao.pdf http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~sszhao/earPod/earPodChiPresentation4.ppt http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~sszhao/earPod/earpod.wmv http://www.patrickbaudisch.com/projects/earpod/ http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/%7Esszhao/earPod.html},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI}



 author = {Tovi Grossman and Pierre Dragicevic and Ravin Balakrishnan},
 title = {Strategies for accelerating on-line learning of hotkeys},
 booktitle = {CHI '07: Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human

factors in computing systems},

 year = 2007,
 isbn = {978-1-59593-593-9},
 pages = {1591--1600},
 location = {San Jose, California, USA},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1240624.1240865},
 xtraurls = {http://www.dgp.toronto.edu/~tovi/papers/chi%202007%20hotkeys.pdf},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI}



 author = {Luc Tremblay and Pierre Dragicevic and Michael J. McGuffin},
 title = {Ballistic and Current-control Phases of Aiming and Throwing},
 booktitle = {12th International Conference of the Association of

Researchers in Physical and Sporting Activities (ACAPS '07)},

 year = 2007,
 location = {Leuven, Belgium},
 type_publi = "colloque",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {}


@inproceedings{videomanip-CHI08, author = "Pierre Dragicevic and Gonzalo Ramos and Jacobo Bibliowitcz and Derek Nowrouzezahrai and Ravin Balakrishnan and Karan Singh", title = "Video Browsing by Direct Manipulation",

 booktitle = {CHI '08: Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems},
 isbn = {978-1-60558-011-1},
 pages = {237--246},
 location = {Florence, Italy},
 url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1357054.1357096},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 month = apr, 

type_publi = "icolcomlec", rate = "157/714 (22\%)",

 year = 2008,
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



 author = {Pierre Dragicevic and Yuanchun Shi},
 title = {Visualizing and Manipulating Automatic Document Orientation Methods Using Vector Fields},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (Tabletop '09)},
 year = 2009,
 location = {Banff, Alberta, Canada},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 pages = "65-68",
 type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {articlecourt},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {},
  x-pays = {CN},



 author = {Caroline Appert and Stéphane Huot and Pierre Dragicevic and Michel Beaudouin-Lafon},
 title = {Flowstates: Prototypage d'applications interactives avec des flots de données et des machines à états},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21th French speaking conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IHM '09)},
 year = 2009,
 location = {Grenoble, France},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 pages = "119--128",
 note = "{Best Paper Award}",
 type_publi = "colcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {IHM},


@TechReport{smalltargets, title = "Small Targets: Why are they So Difficult to Acquire?", author = "Olivier Chapuis and Pierre Dragicevic", institution = "LRI Technical Report", number = "1508", pages = 10, month = dec, year = 2008, url = "http://insitu.lri.fr/~chapuis/publications/lri-rr-1508-smalltargets.pdf", type_publi = "rapport",

  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {rapport},
  x-editorial-board = "no",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Moscovich % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


 author = {Chu, Gerry and Moscovich, Tomer and Balakrishnan, Ravin},
 title = {Haptic conviction widgets},
 booktitle = {GI '09: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2009},
 year = {2009},
 isbn = {978-1-56881-470-4},
 pages = {207--210},
 location = {Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada},
 publisher = {Canadian Information Processing Society},
 address = {Toronto, Ont., Canada, Canada},
  type_publi =	"icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {GI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Tomer Moscovich},
  title = 	 {Contact Area Interaction with Sliding Widgets},
  booktitle = {Proc. ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2009)},
  year = 	 2009,
  month = 	 oct,
  location = {Victoria, BC, Canada},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1622176.1622181},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  pages = {13--22},
  isbn = {978-1-60558-745-5},
  type_publi = "icolcomlec",
  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes_aux},
  x-cle-support = {UIST},



  author = 	 {Tomer Moscovich and Fanny Chevalier and Nathalie Henry and Emmanuel Pietriga and Jean-Daniel Fekete},
  title = 	 {Topology-Aware Navigation in Large Networks},
  booktitle = {CHI '09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems},
  year = {2009},
  isbn = {978-1-60558-246-7},
  pages = {2319--2328},
  location = {Boston, MA, USA},
  doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1519056},
  url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1518701.1519056},
  publisher = {ACM},
  address = {New York, NY, USA},
  month = apr,
  rate = {xxx/1130 (24.5\%)},
  type_publi = {icolcomlec},
  equipes = {AVIZ},
  type = {articlelong},
  support = {CHI},
  x-equipes = {aviz insitu},
  x-type = {articlelong},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {CHI},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",
  x-pays = {US},


% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Do % ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

@inproceedings{LaLeDoPh:OCE:PAKDD08, author = "Phillipe Lenca and Stephane Lallich and Thanh-Nghi Do and Nguyen-Khang Pham", title = "{A comparison of different off-centered entropies to deal with class imbalance for decision trees}", booktitle = "Proceedings of The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'08)", year = 2008, publisher = "Springer", location = "Osaka, Japan", month = may, type_publi = "icolcomlec", page = "634-643", doi = "10.1007/978-3-540-68125-0-59",

  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {PAKDD},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "yes",
  x-international-audience = "yes",


@Article{Do:V4Miner:RIA08, author = "Thanh-Nghi Do and Jean-Daniel Fekete", title = "V4Miner un environnement de programmation visuelle pour la

                  fouille de donn\'ees",

journal = "Num\'ero sp\'ecial de la revue RIA, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle", year = 2008, publisher = "Herm\`es", volume = "22", number = "3--4", type_publi = "revcomlec", url = "http://ria.revuesonline.com/article.jsp?articleId=12011", xtraurls = "http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/visualdataflow.pdf", pages = "503--517", doi = "10.3166/ria.22.503-517",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {RIA},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "no",


@Article{PhDo:TreeView:RIA08, author = "Nguyen-Khang Pham and Thanh-Nghi Do and Fran\c{c}ois Poulet and Annie Morin", title = "{TreeView}: exploration interactive des arbres de d\'ecision", journal = "Num\'ero sp\'ecial de la revue RIA, Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle", year = 2008, volume = "22", number = "3--4", publisher = "Herm\`es", type_publi = "revcomlec", pages = "473--488",

  x-equipes = {aviz ext},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {RIA},
  x-editorial-board = "yes",
  x-proceedings = "no",
  x-international-audience = "no",


@inproceedings{Do:LSC:ICMLA07, author = "Thanh-Nghi Do and Jean-Daniel Fekete", title = "{Large Scale Classification with Support Vector Machine Algorithms}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'07)", year = 2007, publisher = "IEEE Press", location = "Cincinnati, OH, USA", month = dec, type_publi = "icolcomlec", pages = "7-12", url = "http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/ICMLA.2007.25",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  chapter =		"Interactive Decision Tree Construction for Interval and Taxonomical data",
  author = 		"Fran\c{c}ois Poulet and Thanh-Nghi Do",
  title = 	"Visual Data Mining: Theory, Techniques and Tools for Visual Analytics",
  publisher = {Springer},
  series    = {LNCS},
  volume    = {4404},
  year      = 2007,
  type_publi = "chapitre",
  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {chapitre},
  x-support = {ouvrage},


@inproceedings{Do:DMD:RIVF07, author = "Thanh-Nghi Do and Fran\c{c}ois Poulet and Jean-Daniel Fekete", title = "{Massive Data Mining via Boosting of Least Squares SVM Algorithm}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Computer Sciences: Research \& Innovation --- Vision for the Future (RIVF'07)", month = mar, year = 2007, publisher = "IEEE Press", location = "Hanoi, Vietnam", pages = "47-52", type_publi = "icolcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},


@InProceedings{Do:FVD:EGC07, author = "Thanh-Nghi Do and Jean-Daniel Fekete", title = "Flot visuel de données", booktitle = "Acte du 5ème Atelier Visualisation et extraction de connaissances, EGC'07", month = jan, year = 2007, pages = "21-30", xtraurls = "http://www.aviz.fr/~fekete/visualdataflow2.pdf", type_publi = "colcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {EGC},
  x-international-audience = "yes",



  author = 	 {Nguyen-Khang Pham and Thanh-Nghi Do and Fran\c{c}ois Poulet and Annie Morin},
  title = 	 {Interactive Exploration of Decision Tree Results},
  booktitle = {Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA'07)},
  year = 	 2007,
  location = 	 {Chania, Crete, Greece},
  pages = "152--160",

type_publi = "icolcomlec", xtraurls = "http://www.aviz.fr/~dtnghi/treeview/treeviz.pdf",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},



  author = 	 {Thanh-Nghi Do and Fran\c{c}ois Poulet},
  title = 	 "{Classification de grands ensembles de données avec un nouvel algorithme de SVM}",
  journal = 	 {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (RNTI-E-9) --- Série Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances},
  year = 	 2007,
  volume = 	 2,
  pages = 	 {739--750},
  note = 	 (Best Paper of EGC'07),
  publisher = "Cépaduès Editions",

type_publi = "revcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {actes},
  x-cle-support = {EGC},
  x-international-audience = "no",



  author = 	 {Thanh-Nghi Do and Nguyen-Khang Pham and Fran\c{c}ois Poulet},
  title = 	 {Exploration interactive de résultats d'arbre de décision},
  journal = 	 {Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (RNTI-E-9) --- Série Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances},
  year = 	 2007,
  volume = 	 2,
  pages = 	 {157-168},
  publisher = "Cépaduès Editions",

type_publi = "revcomlec",

  x-equipes = {aviz EXT},
  x-type = {article},
  x-support = {revue},
  x-cle-support = {RNTI}
