Data Briefs

A data brief is a description of a challenge you have with your data in terms of analysis, visualisation, or presentation. Based on your data challenge and presentations, students will choose their project. In your data challenge you should address the following information, keeping in mind that your audience are graduate students in design and computer science.


  • Domain: e.g. biology, literature studies, etc.
  • Data: What is the data about.
  • Data type: network data, geographical data, temporal, etc.
  • Analysis: Current state of data analysis, related projects.


  • Motivation: Why does the data needs to be analysed / visualised?
  • What will be the tricky part?
  • How is the intended audience for your data / analysis / visualisation?


  • Are there specific skills / techniques required to work with the data?
  • Can we show the data in public, or are there restrictions to data access beyond the classroom. Students can sign a non-disclosure agreement if necessar

Submitting a Data Brief

  • Visit the following form
  • You will see a form asking you detailed information about your data brief.