Assignment 6

The goal of this assignment is to apply the knowledge of the previous lectures to your tool and improve it in any way you can. Imagine that you will put the tool online for people to use.

On January 18th in class you will be given 3 minutes to present your tool.

  • your 30s elevator pitch - who and what is your tool for
  • a short explanation of what the tool shows
  • a short demo of the possible interactions in the tool

Try to have a presentation that tells a story: what you were interested in (i.e., why you took the research question), how you arrived to that last visualization and what you found thanks to your visualization that, at least partially, answers your research question.

Practice your demo. It should not exceed 3 minutes, you will be stop if you go over time. We will ask you up to 2 minutes of questions. Demos will go in alphabetical order so once you classmate is almost done (i.e., during the questions) please stand up, connect your computer and get ready for your demo.

Submitting the Assignment

WHAT - Create a folder called "YOUR_LASTNAME-FinalProject" and put all your files in it. Make a single ZIP file called "" and submit it via email. It should contain:

  1. Your sketch and the website explaining your tool. Make sure that your code runs. We will be using Firefox to look at the visual result of your exercise. On the website add:
    1. The title of your overarching research question - and a name for your tool: MyCoolVis - A tool to visualize a researcher's history
    2. Add a short explanation of what your tool shows and how to use it
  2. Make sure the data file is submitted in the data folder as explained in the first tutorial
  3. Also submit a 300x300px thumbnail screenshot of your solution. The thumbnail will be used on a website where all solutions of all students will be collected and made available. Do not put any identifying information on your html page if you do not want to be identified.

WHERE - You should email the file to with the subject InfoVis Final Project.

WHEN - The final project is due before 23:00 on Wednesday, January 17th.'