The Taranis Project

The TARANIS ANR project aims at creating an innovative training system for crisis managers allowing trainers to easily recreate complex crisis situations.


The goal of the Aviz team in this project was to design graphical user interfaces and visualization tools for improving the quality of crisis training exercices. We have been working closely with MASA Group and members of the CODAH (Communauté de l'agglomération havraise), who are regularly organizing crisis management exercices to train people who might get involved in a civil crisis in the city of Le Havre.

We conducted observational studies and participatory design sessions in Le Havre, which suggested that the quality of the training exercices can be significantly improved by 1) increasing group activity awareness during the exercise and 2) adding logging mechanisms to enhance feedback to the trainees during the final debriefing session.

With these two goals in mind, we designed and implemented an augmented crisis animation setup in order to assist the animators in their tasks without significantly changing their working habits. This setup includes:

The augmented crisis animation room has been tested in real settings (day-long crisis training exercises) and iterated over three times.


Other material



At Aviz:

At MASA Group: